Saturday, November 19, 2011

a second spring

Autumn is a second spring, every leaf becomes a flower.-Camus

So, autumn is slipping quickly by and already I have many regrets. We never did get around to making cider. The other regret I have is not getting in a good crop of grain.

Elihu and I tilled, sowed and watered in some winter wheat but, as our good friend and advisor Clayton informed us it is likely to shock and be stunted. There will be other chances in spring but spring is going to be busy enough as it is, if I am to do half of what I dream of.

I think that this is also how autumncan be a second spring. I look at the withering leaves in the orchard and see the flowers of spring.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

autmn leaves

Isaiah and I had our first boyscout meeting yesterday. We took a short stroll along the abandoned railroad behind the main street of claysville and collected autumn leaves while discussing tree identification. I had initially been disappointed by the small number of boys (there are only three in our den) but having spent time with them, I've had a change of heart. I think we could have a really strong group.the three musketeers.

I also enjoyed testing my tree knowledge. I realize that for someone who lives on a tree farm, I don't know much.

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me,fluttering from the autumn tree." -Emily Bronte

Monday, October 24, 2011

by the pond

I purchased my hunting license this year. For the years that we have been here we have relied on the generosity of others for our supply of game meat (mostly venison) but this year I thought that I would try to supplement it myself. I also purchased a migratory bird stamp which allows me to harvest geese and ducks too.

With thought of roast goose in mind, I headed down to the pond. I am still sitting here, half an hour lateer empty handed. I hesitated and was unsure when to make a shot. Not wanting to shoot them on the water, I waited until they took to the wing. When they burst from the water I was taken unprepared and shot only air. I think I knew before I pulled the trigger that I wasn't going to hit anything and I am left wondering why I fired at all.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

weeds of fall

So, l thought I would try and contribute here too. I am hoping that this format will be more inviting to my mother and more useful in communicating with my grandmother. Kable.

"And now I shall instance ina few things commonly accounted useless and unprofitable, as in stinking weeds and poisonous plants, how they were not created in vain, but have their uses. They wouldn't be without their use if they were good for nothing else but to exercise the industry of man to weed them out, he who had nothing to struggle with, thefire of his spirit would be half extinguished in the flesh. "- William Coles ( naturalist )1657

Today l cleaned up our neglected vegetable garden. The boys and l harvested (gleaned really ) the last of the tomatoes and chilli, pulled up the plants and started to prepare the ground for a cover crop. Our corn patch which has been untouched for a month or more was choked with weeds. Clearing them was difficult but among the nightshade and foxtail I found some stinging nettles which I set aside. Later, after making hotsauce from the chillies and taking Isaiah to boyscouts, Emily and I blanched them and froze a gallon bag full for consumption later.I'll let youknow

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Still photo-uploading-less....

Life this week is a bit different. Isaiah is home sick, so it feels like a Kable-less weekend. I seem to be moving...very...slowly....

I go to bed each night with thoughts of farming (we have been watching Joel Salatin on youtube), being super productive and being in front of the computer less....

But then, multiple night time visitors later: including (but not limited to) playmobile horses, several boys complaining that Miss (the cat) in biting (cat in question is sitting suspiciously close to heads), and the Miss herself who seems to be craving affection, and even the dog (who is NOT allowed up), jumped on me early this morning to express the urgency of his need to go outside...NOW. I feel tired, grumpy and totally devoid of drive. It is 10:15, I am still in my PJs and have not even started FLYing . Thank goodness for grace. From Him who died for me mostly, but also from him who goes to work for me, and from those entrusted to my care. Yet it is hard to be gracious to myself.

Wishing you a productive day,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today is so beautiful!

The sun is streaming in our lovely windows, with occasional clouds
breaking it upand our favorite cardinal is determinedly throwing
himself against the playroom window....I am trying to capture
our life in images this year, but for the moment
I can't share them as my camera transfer software isn't working....

I'll keep working on that.

If you have sun - enjoy it!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bird Watching

It has been a beautiful January here at W Tree Farm.
But until now its been cold and we've been sick.... the cats, boys and I have been bird watching.

These little junkos are pretty small,
but always seem to come in groups of 10 or so.

These mourning doves, are a recent addition and tend to be a gang of 4-5.

This lovely red bellied woodpecker is probably my favorite:)
I've never had one at a feeder before.

The cardinals are so bright.
We seem to have three pairs - they each have a favorite window.

The males on the south side of the house
spend most of their time throwing themselves
against our windows, you hear their 'thud!' in every room in the house.

What a feast for our eyes.
Love it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

2010 review

It has big year for us it started with a LOT of snow.

January & February 2010
Moshe is starting to enjoy it, and warm socks and hand knit mittens
and good snow boots seem to be helping the big boys' stamina now....

January 2010
I moved WAY out of my crafting comfort zone starting with this doll and its clothes. It was a Christmas present for Moshe was was finished around Epiphany....

March 2010
Elihu and Isaiah in one of their favorite climbing trees.
They are still looking for the perfect one near the farm house....

May 2010
Another project beyond my skills, but it turned out great, and it was fun
to have my first ever Sheep & Fiber Fest Project.
What to knit for this year??

Late May 2010
Isaiah's preschool graduation. A strange idea, but the end one an era for Isaiah.

Summer 2010
The time for the boys to conquer hurdles.
Isaiah mastered monkey bars and went on to skipping one bar in between and then going back and forth more than 20 times!
Isaiah & Elihu learned to ride bikes without training wheels.
The boys first terrified of swimming, and by August were little fish.

Waiting, waiting
Trying to get our old house ready to leave. A load of gravel.
Oh why didn't we get it three years ago?!

Idlewild Park
We enjoyed some mini vacations which were fun for all of us

August 2010
Isaiah's first day of kindergarten! And the beginning of my daily drives while we wait....

October 2010
A walk on the farm. We moved in and realized
it takes a while for everything to find its place....

November 2010
We did some dog-sitting to add to the chaos. Sam and Annie (the two yellow labs) were a delight, as always.

December 2010
This little black cat, Little Miss, appeared at the door with the first snow.
We all love her...except the other cat.

Why didn't I have a pic of the dog who arrived first???

Found one; this is Tiger, our 'new' 10 year old cockerspaniel poodle cross. Aka Ta-tee (as some of us think 'Tiger' an odd name for a dog)....

December 2010
Kitchen window with marmalade and bird feeders.
You can see Nana and Aunt's kitchen door from here, too on the far right.

Our new home and lovely snow. Yay, we are finally here!
Enjoying family very near, more space, lovely walks, sledding, ice skating and skiing.

Happy 2011!